Everybody is welcome to our services at both churches as follows:
Every Sunday all year around, 9am at St Margaret's Church on Ball Hill CV2 4EB (please enter via the main doors on Walsgrave Road or the red and glass side entrance on Argyll Street). Our worship contains a mixture of traditonal hymns, and worship songs, with Anglican liturgy on powerpoint. All who have been Baptised may take Holy Communion and everybody is welcome to joinus around the Lord's Table for a Blessing Prayer. We have just started a Sunday School for children aged 3-11 years, in the Lady Chapel. Our readings and intercessions are led by lay people from the congregation. Our sermons are Bible led on a variety of themes throughout the year. We have an all-age service every month for all age groups. together. Everybody is welcome! Our services are followed by refreshments for everybody. We are starting a monthly Family Breakfast with cereals, croissants, juice for all (and tea/coffee for adults) see details on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/allsaintsstmargaret/
Every Sunday at 10.30am at St Anne's Church on Acacia Avenue, Coventry CV1 2AN. Our worship is informal and band led, with a variety of themes throughout the year. We have an active and busy Sunday School attended by many children aged 3 to 11 years. We are looking to begin a Youth Group. Our young people help lead at our monthly all age services, prepared by a planning group where they contribute their ideas once a month. See our Facebook page for details https://www.facebook.com/allsaintsstanne/
Both of our churches have well attended Messy Church events once a month - 1st Friday of the month at St Margaret's and the last Friday of the month at St Anne's, both held after school 3.30pm to 5.30pm, for families to attend together for crafts, activities, active songs, story acted out, prayers, and delicious tea-meal for everyone. See Facebook pages for details https://www.facebook.com/allsaintsstmargaret/ and https://www.facebook.com/allsaintsstanne/
During the year we run special seasonal servcies for Easter, Mother's Day, Lent, Pentecost, Trinity,Father's Day, Harvest, All Souls (Bereavement), Remembrance, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and details can be found on our Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/allsaintsstmargaret/ and https://www.facebook.com/allsaintsstanne/